Cape Town International Jazz Festival Sustainable Training and Development (CTIJFTnD) Fashion workshop (The Future is Fashion)

Cape Town International Jazz Festival Sustainable Training and Development (CTIJFTnD) Fashion workshop (The Future is Fashion)


The future is fashion, this Tuesday 20th of March 2018 this statement was proven true as young man and woman trying to pursue their careers in fashion came in numbers to attend the Cape Town International Jazz Festival Sustainable Training and Development fashion workshop (2018).

The audience had an opportunity to interact with the invited professional entrepreneurs fashion designers who have made it in this industry. They delivered only the best, advising young fashionepreneurs on how to go about pursuing their careers in this industry.

It is of cause not easy for almost every individual to make it to the top, one has to hit the rock bottom every now and then but later find a way to get up and keep going. These panelists left the audience mouth opened, finding it hard to believe that they themselves experienced and had a hard time in this industry.

The panelists emphasized and stated clearly that young people from South Africa can be lazy and scared to fail in life. They do not understand that failing is  part of learning. People from other countries besides South Africa put their 100% in almost everything they do. This needs to change as young people do have potential but do not know how to use it in their advantage.

Passion is everything - one has of the panelists made it clear that if one finds his/her purpose and have a passion for that purpose one will most likely find his/her destiny. On the other hand, if one lacks passion for what he/she is doing he/she is most likely to give up easily as this was not made out of love from the first place.

Continuous improvement is also necessary in this industry as everyone knows fashion does not stay the same but changes though out (continuously).

Obviously people are expected to posses certain qualities in all industries if one wants to become a successful fashionapreneur. Here are the qualities of a good fashion entrapreneur:

  1. One has to have a vision and mission for that particular vision he/she has
  2. One has to be able to quickly solve problems (ability to think on your fees)
  3. An individual has to be courageous and determined to succeed
  4. It is important to be able to prioritise.
  5. One needs to focus and have a drive/passion

In order for one to pursue a career in fashion there are certain steps which he/she can follow, these steps include:

  1. Create your own brand.
  2. Start creating your own Blog.
  3. Post everything relevant to your brand
  4. Associate with bigger brands by tagging them to your posts
  5. Start engaging on social media

 "Stop grieving other peoples success and share other people's glories"

The workshop finished off by giving away sun-glasses worth R 6 000.00 to this beautiful young lady right in the bottom:


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