
Showing posts from August, 2017

Social Media is no longer an esoteric environment, it has now become the heart of the lives of individuals

The Circle is a film version of Dave Egger's 2013 novel. The circle is a latch of two movies namely the Social Network which was released in 2010 and considered as a modern classic as well as Beauty and the Beast. I regard The Circle as a potentially good and unintentionally funny film. The overall film reflects dystopian outlook towards how humans behave and how technology should force it's on hand on people in general. The way it is directed inculates the belief that "humans do not really deserve privacy and the constant surveillance should be cornerstone of modern life," of which this is not particularly true. However the film has a positive and interesting side to it. It's makes us aware that the Social Media we use on daily basis e.g Facebook, Apple, Google and Uber should be kept private. It is all so an eye opener making us question our online choices e.g things we post on daily basis. Most of the time we mostly post what is considered and seen as '...

Pre-workout light food: Breakfast

It's all in the diet. If your diet isn't right, you will most likely get undesired results: we don't want that don't we?  Why not try the following 100% healthy diet and see the difference in just a week... Low-fat Cottage Cheese topped with a fruit of your choice. Low-fat Yogurt 1/2 cup English Muffin with nut-butter Whole Wheat Bread  Orange Fruit 1 or 2 Boiled Eggs Please give feedback on how you find this.. it working for you? Do you have any other recommendations?  Keep fit!!! :) Promoting Fitness and healthy lifestyle!!!

CPUT Media Department Student Conference 2017

"True passion requires honestly committing to something about which you feel deeply , and staying committed through difficult circumstances." It was such an honour meeting inspirational, risk taking professional people with years of experience in Media Industry addressing the audience (CPUT Students at Granger Bay Hotel/Cape Hotel School) on the topic "Innovation and Growth. Their common advice was realising the importance of networking and building relationships, standing up and taking risks. Another major thing they touched on is realising what your passion is without being scared of being unique. At times we tend to go for money when we could inspire other people through what we love to do and start positive change. Professionals in Media: During panel discussion